
someone who is far away

This post is actually i want to write it earlier but i am too busy with the housework and connection problem so i am only posting it now.
P/S: Play this song before you start reading my blog.

Who will you thinking of when u listening to this song?Every time when i listen to this song, it will reminds me of my eldest brother who had passed away on an accident on 2005. Reunion dinner not really reunion without him, I really miss him this year :[ Appreciate my family before they leave me is only what can i do. Bro, Rest In Peace, I know you are looking at us from above and we will meet there someday.

I am not emo on this chinese new year, i am just want to write something about him because he is the best brother i ever had and i miss him so much lol :]
Appreciate your family before they leave you so that you will never feel regret.

Cheers and Happy Chinese New Year!


